Tuesday 5 May 2009

Japan is now settling down after the euphoric cherry blossom season which after 12 years I have accepted as;
A time to lay out a large blue tarpaulin under a flowering cherry tree
Encourage friends, families and even strangers to sit with you
Drink copious amounts of intoxicating beverages and pretend to BBQ
Try and make your face match the color of the falling red blossoms
See who can full up a 4GB SD card first of cherry blossom moments
Engage in any form of intoxicated behavior knowing all will be forgiven
But…I love it too!

So as this very merry cherry season fades away I am focusing on the Mach 7 build. The distance from New Zealand has been further bridged by the Lotus Forums in New Zealand which can be seen at http://www.lotus7.co.nz/forum
This has been fantastic and allowed for such positive sharing and discussions within and about the world of Lotus 7 folks. I applaud the organizers and of course all those who contribute.

2 comments on Tuesday 5 May 2009

  1. The secret behind the Cherry Blossoms is the well fertilized soil around the trees from the Dogs. Of course there is a downside where the Tarpaulin is required before you dare sit on the grass to drink your beer and BBQ the meat.

    Looking forward to seeing the finished car.

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